Returnable item:
If the product is a returnable item, you may submit the request of return within 7 days upon arrival. If the product is defective which is not caused by accidental, intentional misuse or abuse, or man-made damage, it is returnable. Please retain and return completed set of product item, including the following: The original product, all the accessories, original packing materials, tag, delivery note, invoice, certificate, warranty card, all kind of manuals, gifts and etc.
Please also ensure the package is undamaged, label or tags are intact and attached to the item. If any of these are damaged, they are deemed to be non-returnable.
We will notify you of the status of your return as soon as we received and inspected the return product items. If it is eligible, we will arrange to change the parts, replace by branded new item or allow to exchange another product which the price not greater than original purchased price of returned items.
Non-Returnable and Non- exchangeable item:
All accessories and consumable items are non-returnable and non-exchangeable. goods will be indicated on the product description page.
Please note that all products are non-refundable.